How To Make A Better Atkins Diet

How To Make A Better Atkins Diet

Whether you have tried it or not, you have likely heard of the Atkins Diet. It became hugely popular across the globe but often courted controversy. Its low-carbohydrate approach is widely supported but doctors have never been a fan of the plan and there are widespread concerns about the effects on the body’s cholesterol levels.

This is why many people are now looking for a slightly more palatable version of the Atkins Diet that takes the best aspects of the plan and omits the problematic areas. Another way of looking at this is to think about how Atkins ideas can be appraise to see if they can be interpreted in a better way to result in a healthy eating plan that appeases those worried about the risks of cardiovascular disease associated with the foods such as cheese, bacon, fried eggs, sausages, and pork rinds, which were regularly associated with Atkins eaters.

Why bother to re-evaluate the Atkins plan?

Whatever you think about the Atkins Diet, there is no denying that the approach has worked well for many people. It often delivered fast results without the need to fast or restrict yourself from eating what you may have considered to be the most delicious of foods.

The principles of its two-week Maximum Fat Burning phase can also not be ignored and are actually ideas that many people would benefit from in order to reset their eating habits.

These principles include:

Zero Noodles

Making your body focus on fat burning rather than carbohydrate burning by leaving behind traditional pastas and bread. Today, there are viable alternatives to assist with this, such as our Zero Noodles and Zero Fettuccine.

Zero Fettuccine

Stabilizing blood sugar to minimize issues such as fatigue, brain fog and mood swings.

Weaning yourself from addictive foods such as sugars and carbohydrate-heavy items.

It is widely accepted that these reset periods can be extremely useful, not just in terms of the short-term weight loss that can be achieved but also in the way that they can help break bad habits and set you on the road to healthier eating. It can also make you more mindful about what you are actually putting in your body and help to minimize those occasions where you eat without really taking much notice of the food choices you have made.

Carbohydrates and the Atkins Diet

At the start of the Atkins plan, you must get rid of almost all carbohydrates in your day and are only allowed to eat 20 grams of carbs a day. Most of this will come from vegetables. This can be a good way of re-evaluating your body’s relationship with carbs and resetting the balance. This is often necessary as many people get between 45 percent and 65 percent of their calories from carbs, even though many experts say that this should be a lot closer to the ten percent mark.

The second stage of the Atkins plan involves reintroducing some carbs. This is a useful stage, both in terms of the health benefits and the mindfulness that this can create. These carbs that are added are nutrient-rich varieties such as seeds, nuts, and berries.

The latter stages of the Atkins Diet involve greater food diversity but the amount of carbs consumed is still of paramount importance, and this is something that most dieticians agree is essential in terms of modern weight management techniques.

So, while some aspects of the Atkins plan have caused controversy, it cannot be forgotten that this diet was at the forefront of the trend for low-carb eating plans, and many of these principles are still widely accepted as being beneficial today.

Moving forward with the Atkins ideas

Moving forward with the Atkins ideas

There are elements of the Atkins Diet that can be beneficial to you even if you have never read one of the Atkins books - and never intend to. These are:

1. The best plans for weight loss and management revolve around a low-carb approach.

2. A low-carb reset period can be extremely useful in resetting the mind and body.

3. The type of carbs that you eat is every bit as important as the amount. Always go for nutrient-rich versions and keep all carbs in moderation, even when your weight is stable and within a healthy range.

4. This kind of mindful eating can have a range of benefits that extend beyond weight loss and management, including improvements to metabolic function and vascular efficiency, as well as giving your mental health and wellbeing a boost.

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